Monday, January 18, 2010

26 Weeks

Well, I had a little scare yesterday. It was a really pretty, sunny day, and I thought I could manage walking the dogs around the park that's across the street. Apparently not--I started having contractions. They weren't very close together, but creepy nonetheless. When you looked down you could see the outline of their bodies under the skin because it was stretched so tight. So, I had to stay off my feet the rest of the day. That's harder than it sounds. Jon's been working crazy hours, and I'm OCD about the house being clean, and the combo. just doesn't work. Needless to say, I woke up this morning, and the kitchen looked exactly the same as it did after dinner. That's never happened. And, I'm not going to say it was okay. It made me feel sick, and washing dishes that have been left out all night is totally disgusting. Cold, foody water is sick enough to make me immediately clean the kitchen after every meal to avoid it.

So, I went to the doctor and got my cervix checked. That was pleasant. It was like the worst, teenage sexual experience you could imagine. But, thankfully, it was fine--not open a bit. However, as I was lying down on the table, naked from the waist down in butterfly position, the doctor is telling me about something and then starts stuttering. Then he goes, "Sorry, I got distracted." Seriously? You cannot say you got distracted when I'm in naked butterfly position. I'm convinced I have a major grooming situation going on that he just couldn't get past. Oh, and he said he couldn't see evidence of my varicose vein, so that wasn't it. Yes, I told him about it. I was hoping it might get me bed rest. No dice.

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