Thursday, April 15, 2010

They're Here (And Two Weeks Old)!! Part One

Okay, I know--I've totally sucked and not blogged in a ridiculously long time. Turns out, having twins is really time-consuming. But, let me start from the beginning . . .

April 1st I had a doctor's appt. I was 36 weeks, and I had a feeling that things were coming to an end because my swelling had gotten ridiculous. So, in an abundance of caution I packed my bags and headed to my appt. When I got there, they tested my urine and my blood pressure and both were no good. I had protein in my urine, and my blood pressure was high--both symptoms of preeclampsia. So, I was sent to labor and delivery to be monitored. I was there for about four hours, and things were really back and forth. A nurse would tell me that I would probably deliver that night, and then the doctor would come in and disagree. Finally, they decided to put me on bed rest in the hospital until my scheduled c-section, eight days from then.

So, Jon went home to get long term luggage, and I settled in to a really nice hospital room. When Jon came back he had a bottle of wine (for him) and a stack of Redbox movies (typical Jon), and we had a really great night. Little did we know that it would be the last night of just us, but it was perfect and really made me grateful to be doing this with him. I fell asleep at about 11:00.

At 2:40, I woke up to a really strange feeling of something catching inside of me. Two seconds later I felt the whoosh of my water breaking. I wish that I could tell you that I said something profound, but I think I really said, "Oh shit--Jon, my water just broke." The next thirty minutes were a blur. I left Jon to pack up our stuff while I was wheeled back down to labor and delivery. In the rush Jon managed to forget all of my clothes and shoes, but did remember to pack his half-empty bottle of wine. Priorities. I called my sister, and she called my mom and my friend, Ali. Within thirty minutes there was a party of my family, friend, and Jon in in the prep room . . .

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