Sunday, March 21, 2010

35 Weeks

Jon pointed out this lovely resemblance this morning. He said it looks like I swallowed a toilet. I think he was a great poet in a former life.

How Far Along?: 35 weeks Wednesday

Total Weight Gain: 42 lbs.

Best Moment of the Week: Enjoying the easy life. This was my first week off work, so I got a facial, reread To Kill A Mockingbird, and had lunch with friends. Turns out not working while not having kids is awesome.

Movement: They're still squirming around in there. Although, one night before falling asleep, one of the babies kicked me so hard in the hip that I literally fell out of bed. Jon said it was cool looking.

Bellybutton: Like it never existed.

What I Miss: Everything about not being pregnant. Props to you if you're one of those touchy-feely types who just loves feeling the burgeoning life inside you, but I am not. While I am ridiculously exited about the girls coming, I like feeling of the season's first margarita inside me or a new pair of skinny jeans around me.

What I Am Looking Forward To: I get the Group Strep B test this week at the ObGyn's, which apparently involves swabbing my butt. I haven't seen that much action in two trimesters.

Weekly Wisdom: Non-pregnancy related . . . I went and saw Remember Me because I will do anything for Robert Pattinson. My advice to you--leave before the last five minutes. Really dumb ending.

Milestones: Since the babies have reached 35 weeks, their chances of having to stay in the NICU become very low. That is such a relief.

And, in case you need a little perspective. Here's me at 35 weeks and at 14 weeks. I thought I was so big. That deserves an eye roll.

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