Sunday, November 22, 2009

18 Weeks

Please notice the extreme vein action popping up on my stomach. I'm officially see-through.

How far along? 18 weeks.

Total weight gain: 7-10 lbs. depending on the day

Maternity clothes? Fo' sho--wrangling this giant stomach into anything has become a chore. it does not want to be contained.

Sleep: I have to sleep on my side now because of the pressure from the girls, and I am not a side sleeper, so sleep consists of a lot of labored rolling fro. side to side. I've had better.

Best moment this week: Wednesday I have another sonogram! They're going to verify that it's two girls and just give me some peace of mind. I was so spoiled have sonograms every two weeks that now it's been 5-6, and I'm dying!
Movement: Just started! I was telling my friend, Keri, that I assumed what I was feeling was something else because everyone I talked to was like, "It feels like a bubble, or a feather, or a tickle." What I was feeling felt like a little teeny baby kicking me from the inside. I thought it was too easy.

Gender: Most likely two girls!

Labor Signs: Please.

Belly Button in or out? In, but hanging on by a thread. I predict an outie in the near future.

What I miss: Wine. Something about fall weather makes me want to curl up with a book and a glass of wine every night. Nothing gets you through the holidays quite like a little buzz.

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery. All I have left to get are the cribs and the bedding. I'll start posting pics soon.

Weekly Wisdom: A cheese platter is not a recipe for success in ending a stubborn poop situation.

Milestones: Feeling the babies kick!

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