Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Nursery!

Okay, we've made some serious progress on the nursery in the past month. In fact, everything is basically ready to go except for the bedding. Here are some pics:
It took Jon from 11 am to 4 pm Saturday to get these two cribs together. Bless his heart.

That's my new cozy rocking chair and my good-as-new swing, courtesy of my friend Sharion!

The product of another of Jon's entire Saturdays:

Finally, I bought some really pretty organic bedding from Pottery Barn Kids, but when it came in it was that really ugly, no manufactured dye, all-natural color. Screw being green. So, I took it back, and I'm taking that as permission to go nuts with the bedding--as commercial as possible. I found this really cool vintage fabric, and I'm not sure how I'm going to use it yet, but I'm thinking it does have a future in the room.
It's paper dolls! Have you ever seen anything that adorable in your life?
Anyway, I'll update when the bedding decisions are final. This is important stuff, people.


  1. Gorgeous, Debs! I think most new fathers know the hell that is nursery furniture assembly. Congrats to Jon! And I love the fabric. Absolutely adorable.
