Thursday, December 31, 2009

23 Weeks

How Far Along? 23 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 19.5 lbs.
Sleep: Brutal! I wake up every two hours. I wonder if it's the body's way of preparing for being up all night with babies.

Best Moment of the Week: I had a sonogram yesterday that my friend, Ali, and my sister, Joanna, got to attend. The girls are both doing great, and they're huge. They're supposed to be 1 lbs., and they're both weighing 1 lbs. 5 oz. The doctor asked me what I was feeding them. The answer is Big Mac meals.

Movement: All the time. Jon even felt them move a couple of times. They love Fanta BTW. I picture them doing the Fanta girls dance every time I drink it.

Belly Button: How is this mother hanging on? It's on the brink of inside out at any moment. And let me tell you that my former belly button ring hole looks really sexy.

What I Miss: My neck.

What I Am Looking Forward To: Showers! I have two showers in January that I cannot wait for!

Weekly Wisdom: Gymboree $3.99 bin. Don't even get me started. The girls have enough clothes to last them a year now, and I only spent $60.

Milestones: Next week the babies would technically be viable if they were born. I think the Duggar baby that was just born was 24 weeks. It wouldn't be pretty, but it's a relief to know that they'd have a chance.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks.
Total weight gain: 12.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I'm already sick of them. I went shopping the other day, forgetting that I'm a freak of nature right now. I keep picking up clothes in normal sizes and completely disregarding my 15 lbs. stomach tumor. Delusional.
Sleep: Aah--I've been sick. I never thought the day would come when I would have a humidifier set up in my bedroom. I do.
Best moment this week: Knowing that Christmas is only a week away. I adore Christmas.
Movement: Yes, but now this just gives me another reason to be paranoid. They've really chilled out these past couple of days, and now I'm obsessively googling about it.
Gender: Definitely two girls! The doctor confirmed that at the last appt. and that they are healthy and actually a little big for their age.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In, but that is one stressed out bellybutton. It is literally being pulled in two different directions.
What I miss: I was never really a beer drinker before I got pregnant, but I've really been craving beer this week. Weird.
What I am looking forward to: Christmas!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Stretch marks are not the worst thing that can happen to your stomach. How about creepy spider veins ON MY STOMACH!
Milestones: I'm over halfway through!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Nursery!

Okay, we've made some serious progress on the nursery in the past month. In fact, everything is basically ready to go except for the bedding. Here are some pics:
It took Jon from 11 am to 4 pm Saturday to get these two cribs together. Bless his heart.

That's my new cozy rocking chair and my good-as-new swing, courtesy of my friend Sharion!

The product of another of Jon's entire Saturdays:

Finally, I bought some really pretty organic bedding from Pottery Barn Kids, but when it came in it was that really ugly, no manufactured dye, all-natural color. Screw being green. So, I took it back, and I'm taking that as permission to go nuts with the bedding--as commercial as possible. I found this really cool vintage fabric, and I'm not sure how I'm going to use it yet, but I'm thinking it does have a future in the room.
It's paper dolls! Have you ever seen anything that adorable in your life?
Anyway, I'll update when the bedding decisions are final. This is important stuff, people.