Wednesday, February 3, 2010

28 weeks

How far along?: 28 weeks

Total weight gain: 28 lbs.

Best Moment of the Week: My shower! My friends and sisters threw me the most fun shower at a Mexican restaurant owned and operated by a giant transvestite. It was perfect! I got so many presents; I am the luckiest girl ever. I've had so much fun this week opening everything and organizing it in the babies' room. Here are pictures from my sister, Joanna's, blog:

Movement: I think they have less room in there than before because now instead of kicks, it looks like a fish is swimming underneath my stomach skin.

Belly Button: Officially out. And maybe someone should tell 17 yr. olds that belly button rings cause scar tissue, which doesn't stretch when you're pregnant. So, now the only stretch marks I have on my stomach are from my stupid ring hole. It's still hot, though.

What I Miss: Not having contractions. I'm having non-threatening contractions about 4 times an hour, round the clock. It's weird feeling like your stomach is literally housing a keg: gigantic and hard as steel. And, you can creepy-style see the shape of the baby bodies every time. It is freaky.

What I Am Looking Forward To: We scheduled my c-section today, and it falls on my late father's birthday, so that's pretty neat. April 9th is go time.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't tell a pregnant lady she can't wear leggings to work. My boss should feel thankful that all of my parts are even covered. I only fit in tent-wear now, and there's no way to pull those off without leggings.

Milestones: I'm officially in the third trimester. Nine weeks to go!

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