Wednesday, February 10, 2010

29 Weeks

Well I had a perinatologist appt. today, and here's the update:
Baby A is 3 lbs. 4 oz. (66th percentile), and Baby B is 3 lbs (46th percentile). Cervix is ridiculously closed, and for as thankful as I am for that--it's looking like I'm working until the bitter end.

One more thing, during the ultrasound, Baby A kicked Baby B. So, Baby B's little hand shot out with her finger pointing at Baby A, like she was letting her have it. Hysterical--the fighting has already begun in utero.
P.S. If you're having trouble deciphering the pictures, Baby A is lying on her right cheek, facing the camera. Baby B is upright with her head cranked over on her left shoulder. Joanna says she'll need a baby massage when she gets out.

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