Monday, October 12, 2009

Random Musings on Being Pregnant

1. I am too tired to ever write anything clever on this blog. If I were to dictate my usual thoughts, they would read like this:

“Macaroni and Cheese sounds really good right now . . . I could eat the shit out of some macaroni . . . so tired . . . one nipple is throbbing, just one . . . pillow . . . like someone is giving me a 7th grade style titty-twister. . . have to pee . . . already have gone nine times today . . . zzzz . . . if it’s a freaking trickle again I’m going to be pissed . . . Eric from True Blood.”

And scene. And thus, this is why my posts have been few and far between.

2. When I lie down, it feels like there are two dictionaries stacked on my abdomen. This is disconcerting as no one needs to be thinking about her job as an English teacher when she’s trying to watch Bridezillas.

3. Thursday I go in for my 12 weeks scan and to potentially find out the genders. The aspect of motherhood that I am most looking forward to is buying teen-tiny nightgowns, so after Thursday I might be able to do this choosing gender-appropriate colors.

4. On a heavier note, this article ruined my weekend:

There are very few infertility patients who haven’t spent thousands of hours researching every aspect of infertility and pregnancy. To imply that these same people are making misguided, uneducated, and possibly selfish decisions to implant more than one embryo is ridiculous. Not to mention, has the NY Times ever heard of kicking someone when they’re down? The first question I get when someone finds out I’m pregnant with twins is whether or not they were “natural” or from IVF. So, I get to relive my private and painful two-year battle with every acquaintance I run in to, and then to give them one-sided ammunition to judge that process is cruel.


  1. Don't get too excited about the nightgowns - our NT Scan was way wrong. Well, I guess it can't be "way" wrong, because it's either right or wrong.

    Oh, and they pee and poop all over the nightgowns anyway. :)

  2. That's an interesting article, but don't let it get you down. I know lots of sets of twins - all fine physically and mentally. Keep your chin up.

  3. I think HP is a good indicator of that "affluent" area the article was talking about - I've had MANY sets of twins in my 4 short years here (most fraternal which leads me to believe the majority were due to some sort of fertility treatment) and they are JUST FINE. Plus my non-fertility twin cousins came early and they are totally thriving. Treatments or not, a lot of twins come early because there just isn't room in there!

  4. Okay, we probably need to talk in person, but here's a few comments.
    1) I got(and still am because it doesn't end) really sick of the natural or IVF comments. I try to be gracious when the person is nice or someone I really don't want to offend. With others, I find that, "Wow! That is a really personal question!" gets them to BTFO.

    2) As someone who had preemies who are amazing now, I will just say, don't freak yourself out about it. We'll talk more in person. Just relax as much as you can, and don't read too many articles.
